AMPS Paradox
One of the most debatable and perplexing idea in quantum mechanics was quantum entanglement.In which Einstein and his colleagues (Rosen and Podolski )claim that quantum theory must be incomplete.
Quantum entanglement states that a pair or a group of particles can be correlated (even if they are millions of lights years apart).For-example , In a pair production electron and its positron can be entangled , such that if you measure the state of the electron you can instantly know the state of the positron .Also,Empty is space is not actually empty,it is entangled ! . If you split empty space into two parts , you can find a region in first part that is entangled to other region in the second part . Now , what does this have to do with blackholes?! According to the general theory of relativity,the event horizon of the blackhole is empty space.Consequently,if there are two bits of information A and B (infalling and outgoing particle , of what we call hawking radiation) A in the interior of blackhole and B exterior of blackhole , A and B are entangled.Till now everything is fine .But what if we have two blackholes that are also entangled!? We would fall into "monogamy" . (Monogamy is a properties of entanglement which states as follows: If two qubits A and B entangled they cannot never be entangled with a third qubit C ) .
Therefore, there is a problem here : two entangled blackholes , and for event horizon to be empty spaced A and B are entangled , so we have a monogamy problem . This is called AMPS paradox , such that AMPS stands for the names of four physicists : Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski, and James Sully . There are possible solutions to this paradox , one of them is called the firewall resolution where it states that the entanglement breaks between A and B , but this explanation isn't excepted by GR .There is another solution proposed by Leonard susskind (EP=EPR) through wormholes , and this will be explanied in the next article.
Alice Akkoush, Lebanon
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